December 27, 2008

Snow Madness

Well, looks like I was right. Despite the fact that I can't actually remember a time when it snowed on Christmas before, it happened this year. In fact, I think it snowed most of the week! Like all of you, I am sure that after having to dig out your driveway for the 3rd or 4th time, the snow really lost some of its magic. It probably also didn't help that I didn't really play in the snow at all because I was either playing games on my computer (not much time left until I build that new one and don't have to deal with this constant restarting) or doing things with my family (although I guess maybe when I am shoveling snow that could be considered playing if you were a sadist). Anyway, I enjoy the snow but am ready for being able to leave the house and drive on the roads (hopefully without having some idiot crash into me).

Christmas came and went, and I think it was pretty nice this year, even though the weather made shopping and stuff a bit of a chore (in fact I still need to order my sister's gift and probably get a bit more for my brother too). I got a lot of cool stuff, and luckily they were more big-ticket items than small stuff (which is good since I have to move again soon and I don't really need all the little things I have collected over the years). Can't wait to get riding and use my new jerseys. Izzy got some snacks and a little cat toy which he is loving, although I still hate to take him from my parents since they really have gotten used to his charming personality. Maybe they will want a cat of their own sometime...

Well, can't think of anything else, so I hope you all had (or are still having) a great holiday and are not stuck in snow or getting carried away by the "massive flood" from the melting snow. Ciao

December 21, 2008

Addicted to Love

Short blog about a movie (just a heads up folks)

So, I just watched the film Addicted to Love starring Matthew Broderick and Meg Ryan. I guess I have seen part of this movie before because I remembered little things like them watching the other couple out of a camera obscura, and the derelict building, but I had never seen the entire film before. Overall, i'd say maybe 9/10, but I really like this movie. A little cold hearted and black-comedy to be a chick flick, but it is in essence a romance film (not that there is anything wrong with that). Meg Ryan plays her part as the angsty motorcycle-riding artsy photographer quite well, and Matthew is the good-natured booksy astronomer. Acting was great, and you really fall into the characters. Anyways, great film, and if you are looking for something to watch alone, with a loved one, or in company, I think you could do a lot worse than to check out this one. Hope you like it.