November 30, 2013

2013 WSBA Cyclocross State Championships

The WSBA Cyclocross state championship races were held up in Arlington again this year on a course situated on the airport grounds. Last year the rain turned the field into a soupy quagmire, and the course design featured multiple tight spirals through the energy-sapping mud. This year's race was a much different story however. The ground had frozen from the week of cold temperature, so the course designers were forced to resort to different strategies to whittle the field.
From the gun, the course shot into a right angle turn and then doubled back on itself toward the center of the course. Popping over a log, we then navigated a few corners before quickly jumping over the barriers and then into the only section of mud on the course. Shooting through the mud allowed for easy passage before navigating back into another series of tight turns.
Exiting onto a small chunk of pavement, we then shot up a short embankment and into a steep and rutted descent. A quick turn at the bottom and we then raced into the slick run-up. At this point, racers worked through some rutted corners before a long drag along the back of the course and toward the starting line.
I managed to get a decent start and work forward for the first half lap before a small bump caused my chain to stick. I was moving again almost immediately, but was now fighting from further back. Fueled by the frustration of the mechanical I flew back up the course, passing riders as I carved through the corners. Within a lap I found myself behind the same group of riders I had initially been combating. I put on the pressure as we entered a tighter corner and two of the riders wiped out. I snaked through the inside line and then turned up the throttle to gain some distance.
I was maintaining a good pace, and even passed a few more riders as we quickly approached the half-way point of the race. I could see my new targets ahead, and was slowly reeling them in. With 3 laps to go, one of the racers behind me had managed to latch on, and I could feel him breathing down my back. I held my lines and kept him contained for half the lap, but he managed to squeeze by on a wider section. I was on his wheel immediately, and we both raced ahead. As we hit a section of straight, I increased the pace and was back in the lead. I managed to hold this position until shortly after the barriers when he overtook me again.
As we entered the final lap, my opponent was just ahead and we were still gaining on the leading racers. I started increasing the pressure, hoping that he would make a mistake and I could capitalize on the situation. Unfortunately he was able to hold strong, and as we made the final corners I knew the positions weren't changing. We rolled through the line with a few seconds between us and started to cool off.
I was very happy to learn that I claimed 10th in the open Elite race - my best finish this year! We only have two SCX races left this year, so I only have a few left before the season wraps up. If I can continue to score some great finishes like this, I will be very pleased. Time to do a little work in preparation for Steilacoom next weekend and make sure I do well. See you out there, and keep on racing.

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