November 19, 2008

Another Step in This Direction

So, here we are. Ever closer to going back to the States. Ever closer to finishing up school. Ever closer to having to do interviews for that job. It seems like a lot of life is coming up on me pretty quick, and despite the potential for that all being so much work I am ready for it. This experience in Italy (and soon Belgium for some more European experience, not to mention cycling swag, beer, and some food that Italy just doesn't offer) has been great, but it has really been a vacation. Work here does happen, yet it seems to me at least to be less focused that when I was at school. More spread out. I look forward to having things sort of back into order. Which reminds me that I'll need to move into that new place sometime when I get back into Washington. Fun... Oh well, I plan to reduce what I own so that it isn't so much moving.

Not a lot to report here. Saw some really cool art yesterday when we went to a Bruno Munari exhibit (cool Italian Industrial Design guy). Listened to former UW graduate artist Tim Roda talk about what you need to do to be a successful professional artist (insightful). Finally listened to UW professor Ellen Garvens talk about her work as an artist and where it has led her. That is sort of something I've been thinking about lately too. How my life is leading me. Sort of scary to think about, but at the same time you realize that things build up. So, I guess what I mean is that sure right now things sort of seem rough ahead, but things will snowball up and before you know it you've got things rolling along. It isn't common for avalanches of progress, but even glaciers started out as small blocks of ice; mountains built from a single grain of sand. You just need to keep that chin up and move forward without worrying about every little thing.

And now for a first with my blog, links to stuff! First off, I was reading this blog and I loved the comment following the Obama bike.
And then following on I was intrigued by this silly genderalizer tool that someone created to determine the genders of blog writers.
Apparently I am gender neutral with a shift toward feminine when I am writing. Interesting, given that a lot of people find me to be quite crude and masculine in real life (until they get to know me, I'm actually a pretty nice guy, seriously). I guess I can give off a bad first impression (especially at parties, but I can't help that most of my friends are also guys and that I used to work in an auto-shop [otherwise known as the land of the most foul language you'll ever enter]).
Finally, reading around on Rapha I found myself in the middle of the Continental Series write-up about the Snoqualmie falls ride they attempted.
I like the falls, and was intrigued to see their ride plan, which I guess starts in Seattle. Looks like a possible ride for next year when I live in the city. Anyway, fun read and reminded me of home, which was nice. I also glanced back over the sister ride, the Stevens pass affair.
I had read this one just before leaving Washington, and enjoyed their story about the ride that bit back. I can't wait to get back to cycling and hope I can get my friends to actually motivate themselves into riding some of these more grandiose journeys with me over the coming year. Alright. I guess I will leave you with the reading, and leave myself with the working. Ciao

1 comment:

Kyle said...

I'm there for the snoq ride! Hopefully the playing field will be leveled when you get back :D Although I haven't been doing much climbing... ugh