January 11, 2009


Well, it is finally happening. Today I am finishing my move into Seattle. It will be nice to be in a place where I can meet up with friends easier, walk to bars, etc. However, I do end up giving up a lot of things too. Moving over the water means it will take longer to get to nice east-side rural areas to ride (and also means I have to ride on heavier trafficed roads for at least a little bit to get anywhere by bike), I have to leave the much larger home of my parents to move into a smaller apartment, my cat won't have the domain to roam and also lose my parents to play with (which he does a lot), and other little things. I figure that with any moving situation, these little faults of the new location in comparison will soon fade away as I become more accustomed to living there. I'm sure my cat will enjoy playing with his other cat friends again, and I am sure that being more freely able to hang out with friends will be nice for me too. Just need to actually get out there.

In other news, my new computer is finally up and running, which is wonderful since it means not having to worry about random shut-off while I am doing something, or losing messages from IMs when I leave my computer unattended. nice. It is also a lot faster than before and has more storage so I can mess around with playing more games and doing stuff in photoshop again.

Finally, working on getting a newe job going. Still haven't heard back from Emet's people about the potentially favorable job with Take 2, but I still hold out that I'll hear from them (Emet said I would be an ideal candidate for them anyway). So, hopefully I'll have a job soon. Until then, I guess I will go through a lot of my stuff and decide what I actually need to keep and what I should sell or toss. I also figure I'll help my parents clean up their house for awhile. Now that all the kids are moved out, seems like it is time to straighten things up a bit.

Well, thats pretty much the news. My new bike is coming soon, and that will be quite wonderful. Just have to wait until I can get to riding it though... Ok, time to go make some waffles. Ciao

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